Marc's Shop in 2004


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You know whats cool about this. Marc was still producing top notch stuff back then. This should show some of the new guys starting out you don't need 20k worth of tools to be good. You just need god given talent. ;)

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While I don't have a TV per se in my shop, I do have what I'm typing on now and that's how I get all my entertainment through the house. Sylvia has a computer in her yoga room for online content. I have one in the shop for all my woodworking entertainment/informational needs. Our "TV" is actually just a monitor, although we watch regular TV on it. Most content is streaming now, so unless you are a major sports enthusiast, you can get all the content you want online and ditch the cable/dish people. Huge bill for nothin'and everything you watch is now on-demand.

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I have a TV in the shop as well. I am the first to admit it that I am spoiled. I just got dish out there recently as well. As for computers, I currently have three. One server, one laptop with two screens that I use for my obcession, the live chat room, along with Slacker Radio. as well as whatever I want to stream or watch, and one for streaming live feeds from the shop.. The other one is kind of old but has a huge screen that still looks great. It cant handle all the streaming and Tweetdeck and chat while watching live streams.. The wife thinks I am crazy for having all the computers out there, but hey, everyone needs a hobby...

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I dunno. When I'm in the shop, I pretty much want to be working the wood. I think I'd get distracted by a TV.

I suppose it might be helpful if I was following along with an instructional video. I generally just fire up the laptop, or copy the movie onto the iPad in that scenario.

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