First Aid Kits - Reminder to check and replenish them


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We all have them in the shop at the very least and I know they are innocuous little boxes that we mainly ignore but I had to use some band aids and antiseptic swabs from the first aid kit on my motorcycle last week (a kid fell at my wife's company picnic, nothing serious) and I went out yesterday and got some stuff to replace them but I was amazed that out of 100+ people there, I was the only one with a first aid kit handy. I have them in my truck, on my bike, in my wife's car and in the shop, habits from when I was on the first aid squad a long time ago.

As I refilled the missing stuff and added a few new things to the kit on my bike and double checked the other kits, I figured it would be timely to put a little reminder out there to check your first aid kit regularly...

You never know when you'll need it.


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Thanks Jim I check them regularly but never hurts to get reminded and check them again. Sometimes if others have a chance to use them they do not tell ya :) I used to think there was a first aid kit faery that magically replaced the stuff in there but since it is my job now I guess I am that magical mythical creature now :)

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