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During a routine upgrade yesterday, we had a near catastrophic disaster on the site. Thankfully, we are now restored and the upgrades are in process. You should see some big changes coming soon. I should add that the restoration process seems to have taken us back a few days, so we probably lost some posts. Very sorry about that. All I can say is it could have been much worse! :)

Its good to be back!

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Most things should be very familiar. Its the same system with some nice little upgrades and updating. So most of what I see are improvements....so far. I'm sure we'll uncover odd little bugs here and there but let's bring them up in this thread so we can figure them out together.

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I'm sure we'll uncover odd little bugs here and there but let's bring them up in this thread so we can figure them out together.

Okay. Just a moment ago I tried to edit one of my own posts. The editor seemed to work fine, but when I was done making changes, the "Save Changes" button did nothing. So then I tried "Cancel". The page scrolled to the top of the topic, but when I scrolled down to see my message, the editor was still visible and accepting input.

So then I decided to delete the message altogether and repost it with my changes. After the confirmation dialog (for the delete), I got this message:

[#103119.5] You do not have permission to carry out that function.

So there you go! For the record, I'm running Firefox 5.0 under Windows XP. I haven't tried any of this in any other browser.

-- Russ

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I am finding that some of the links are not working.. When I try to go to my profile page by clicking my name up top, the link does not work unless I open it in a new tab. Also I cant get to the topic moderation tools...

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I feel for you Marc. As an admin for a very large fossil forum I am going through the same process at the moment. Had errors updating the database and now everything has crashed. *sigh* Why do I bother with upgrades.

Great Job on the forum by the way. Nice and clean no unneeded extra's. Could use a favicon though.

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Could use a favicon though.

I have a favicon for this site on my browser, I put them across my bookmark bar so one click and I'm at all my favorite sites.

However it doesn't show up on my machine at work.

Funny because I'm running the latest Firefox on both computers. I haven't figured that one out.

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