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ok when people blow glass they then put it in a kiln to let it cool slowly. i have thought that it would be cool to combine glass and wood in a small sculpture. is there any wood that is hard enough or is there a coating of something that the glass can be blown in the wood frame then placed in a kiln to cool and finish up? perhaps a very dense hard wood heated up in kiln to start with then the glass blown inside the frame?

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That's a cool idea!. I've read of people combining glass and metal, and glass and ceramics in this way. What I recall they had trouble with was the different rates at which the various materials expand and shrink during heating and cooling (possibly shattering the glass during cooling).

I say practice makes perfect! Grab some scrap wood and put it in the kiln. You'll soon find out at what temperatures different woods ignite, char, or what else. Post pics when done :)

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