Thank you, sincerely from Bessey


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Wow ! We asked for feedback and we sure got it ! Thanks to everyone for their open and honest commentary.

A few things for which I would give some initial feedback:

Not sliding smoothly along the rail: The jaws for the REVO JR were noted as difficult to move but, commentary in WWG showed that, over time, it was smoother. These observations were discussed internally and compared to field observations. The solution, once the problem was identified, was really easy. The sliding jaws of the REVO JR have an extra hard set screw incorporated into the castings. They engage with the serrations on the rail so that they hold very tightly under pressure. What was happening is that these brand new (and extra hard) set screws had some very small burrs and, when used on the new serrated rails (which also had small burrs from the serration process) were getting stuck. Sort of the like the proverbial wrench in the gears. The solution is to open the clamp fully then, push down on the handle while closing and then pull up on the handle while re-opening. Repeat a few times. This process clears the ‘rough edges’ off the clamp. It sounds awful but, you will immediately notice a freer movement.

Handles Too Small: That is a tough one. The handles of the REVO JR were made of wood to control costs. The handle on the REVO JR is smaller than I would like it but, making it much larger would enable a large percentage of the population to over-stress the clamp and lead to breakage. The larger REVO has the larger two-component handle. It costs more to produce and is size engineered for the clamping force rating. The WWG comments are totally valid and we will, as a team, evaluate them in context of the clamp.

The pads: A few people noted the pads as not being flat. No reason that that should happen and it is already being addressed.

There were lots of other commentary and they will all be reviewed. On behalf of BESSEY, I would like to thank all of you for contributing your thoughts and ideas and…please be assured…we heard them and will use them in evaluating how we make these clamps even better.


Andrew Fera

VP Marketing, B.B.A.

BESSEY Tools North America

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Andrew, I was wondering why there was not some kind of summary thank you after the testing period. Guess I did not have FOLLOW THIS THREAD turned on for the entire thread, just my posts most likely.

I was one who had (and continue to have) trouble with stickiness of movement. I will give the recommendation a whirl and see if I am more pleased. That was my only serious issue. Mostly I have appreciated the clamps. Even the Uniklamps which I initially dismissed. They are very handy format.

It was fun being part of the testing group.

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