What's going on with the forum!?!?!

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First off, let me apologize for the general crappy performance and the unpredictability of the forum. In an attempt to have the forum in an environment where we can more effectively troubleshoot issues, we moved everything to a new server. That's where we are right now.

So what would be helpful is if you folks try to use the heck out of the forum today and this weekend. Let's see if those error messages show up again. Repost here or in the Help forum if you see problems. We won't really know if we resolved anything until we start banging on this server a little bit.

If you are seeing abnormal behavior, clear your browser cache and sign back into the forum. Then if you see nasty errors or excessive load times beyond that, please let us know.

Thanks for your help folks and I apologize for the mess this has caused.

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Well, kidding aside, I haven't heard anyone report any errors. Traffic should pick up a little more this week so it might a little soon to call it. But so far, I'm feeling pretty good about what I'm seeing. Sometimes it really pays off to just throw some money at a problem, lol. Now if we can only get this forum to pay for itself, that'd be great. :)

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OK, this is weird. I posted a subject about Bosch's Axial glide miter saw in the shop section and now it has appeared in the normite section as well, and on top of that, the shop section is indicating no views or comments, but there are 8 or more when you go in there and in the normite section there are no poster's images.

Have fun with this one Marc, just when you thought it was all sorted. :angry:

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haha everything is actually fine Dave. What you are experiencing is one of the moderators moving the thread to what they deemed to be the best forum for it. Since the post was about a power tool, it was moved to the power tool section. Obviously, since you posted it in the shop section, the moderator left a link to the thread in the shop section that will go away in a few days. If you go into the Shop forum, you'll notice there is a little arrow next to your title. That indicates that the post was moved. And when you click on the topic, it opens up and you should notice that you are now in the Normite City forum. So essentially the link in the Shop forum is just a redirect. Anyway, that's a lot of words just to say this is business as usual. :)

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Man i dont know whats going on today but all day I have been having problems getting the sections to load the main forum itself is loading fine but once I try to go into one of the sub forums I guess is what you call it like the one where this post is it takes forever to load and then once it did it takes forever to load the topic I clicked on, I have checked it on other forums and sites just to make sure it wasn't my connection before I posted this.

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Well we are now on a dedicated virtual server with fairly low specs. I'm monitoring performance to see if we need to upgrade at some point. Yesterday could have been a fluke, but it also could be the server being tapped out during the busiest time of the day. We'll have to see how it goes and if I need to bump up the available resources on the server. But from what I see right now, we are well within normal range.

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