Carved Fan


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I used a 3" draw knife from flexcut, it was designed specifically for this purpose. I need to work on the hinge part more, and I could have soaked the wood longer before I tried to bend the blades. Getting the blades thin enough is going to take some practice but i think it is just a matter of getting the technique down.

When I ordered the wood I spoke to Sally and David Nye for about a half hour about doing it, they have written two books on the subject and are the people that designed knife. Very nice and helpful people. I need to buy their books and find a local source for practice wood.

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I bought some basswood Friday to mess around with since white cedar doesn't grow around here. I'm brand new to carving but I like it quite a bit. The basswood carved and split very well but it just isnt flexible enough. Plus the wood I was using wasn't green which I think is really the key. I've made a few birds. The blades really like to crack and break at the hinge. I think it is amazing what you can do with a solid piece of wood though. These are made from a 1/2" thick by 3"x6" peice.



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