help with leg vise


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It's the one year anniversary of a Roubo Bench build. Youngest of 4 is now 5 months old and it's cooling off in the garage. I've had my screw from lake erie toolworks for about a year also. Over the past couple of weeks i've managed tremendous progress on this install. On a side note the bench itself has been together for a while sans vise. Well, I've gotten the parallel guide mortised and glued. I got my holes drilled. Brass garter, check. Put it on the bench tonight and everything works fine except it racks terribly upon opening. No racking with closing. My question is: Is this to be expected for those of you that have this type of vise? I can live with it if it's ok. If it is going to be detrimental to the screw or the overall mechanism I need to know. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Again main problem here is racking upon opening. All else is good.

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Which way is it racking? My leg vise sometimes sticks when opening, so that the top comes out while the bottom stays in place. I just put a little wax on the parallel guide if that happens, or just tug on the bottom.

My leg vise is stable in the left to right direction.

Maybe you can take a picture of how your leg vise looks when racking while opening?

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