Just ordered the Earlex Spray Station 5500 :)


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Guys thank you very much for all your help and patience with me around finishing and my questions with finishing. The construction part and working with wood no problem haha that is bred into me. But the world of finishing is all new to me and have been learning little by little over the last year and a half. I was taught how to spray and use a brush by a couple union painters so I have that down but the materials them selves I am still learning. Also the painters are older painters and are use to all the oil and solvent based finishes so it's hard to talk to them about the water born/based stuff. So thank you again. I love this forum and the people on it and recommend it to everyone I meet that is a wood worker from master to just build my first bird house :).

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Ok so I just got done spraying the cabinets I built. I have to say this system rocks. It is a great easy to use system. It cleans up well and adjusts well. I recommend buy the extra tips and 1 or two cups depending on what kind of finishes you plan on spraying. I have two right now 1 for latex and one for water clears.

So overall I for sure recommend getting this system for sure.

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I love the unit, I only use the 1.5 needle though, the 2 works but the 1.5 sprays waterborne poly really real. I'm not sure why you'd want a 0.5 though, even a 1.0. You don't need anything special with dye, it's watery but you're not going to care about the way it settles, just flood the surface. If you're like me you'll mix the dye with a finish to make it bond to the surface, I find dyes wash off too easy so you gotta lock it down.

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shot some dyes with the 1.0 and it worked great didn't use to much material. I was staining maple so I use the preconditioned to keep it even and it work out well. Here is a link to the cabinets https://picasaweb.google.com/103223338569164785070/NovemberCabinetJob no door or drawer faces yet had to order them. Not set up to make them efficiently yet.

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GF High Performance well all GF finishes i have used so far make finishing so easy. And the end result is amazing. Sorry for the fuzzy pictures have to remember to clean the lens on the camera before taking pictures when it's been siting out while I am working haha.

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