Anyone able to make time for a quick charity build?

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Hi All,

This year I'm trying to organize a simple charity build to benefit the Toys For Tots foundation. The gift items that I'm putting together are simple projects that can be turned around in a day or less (I even have the necessary templates avail for free download!). My hope is for a few (hopefully quite a few) woodworkers to come together, make an item or two each and donate them to their local drop off center.

I realize I'm getting a bit of a late start with this, but an afternoon out in the shop between now and Christmas could really make a difference for someone Anyone who might be interested can find more information off of my website

The link for the TFT page is in RED on the right menu box labeled 'Recent Posts'.

I'm still putting together gift ideas myself, so if anyone has a suggestion I would love to hear it!



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I turned a "Harry Potter" wand for my niece for her birthday, and she absolutely loves it. I've seen her bring it to other family gatherings, so I think she really likes it, not just telling her Uncle Josh that she does. All it took was a branch from a bush that I had to cut down, an hour of time with the lathe and some walnut oil.

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Something I'm working on now is a melodic drum (more or less something that a 2+yr old could slap with their hands and make "music". We'll see how it sounds by the end of the day; never made one before. trying that and a simple xylophone out of sapele and red birch (whichever sounds better will be the winner for the next vid.. :rolleyes: )

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To a point, guilty as charged (at least while I'm recording) :o. Depending on what equipment I'm running I typically have ear buds and glasses on (I may have the top half of my body out of the camera view), but unfortunately sometimes it isn't always practical to have all the garb on (both personally and on the equipment) while trying to talk and work and still get good visibility for the camera. I can't say that it's "best practice"or recommended, but I can assure you that when it's 'business as normal' I'm taking all the necessary precautions :D! Good catch; that's the first someone's brought that up.

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Something I'm working on now is a melodic drum (more or less something that a 2+yr old could slap with their hands and make "music". We'll see how it sounds by the end of the day; never made one before. trying that and a simple xylophone out of sapele and red birch (whichever sounds better will be the winner for the next vid.. :rolleyes: )

some one pointed out in a post that maybe i could make a tounge drum( ) looks realy easy and fast to make. a small kid could thump on it and as they get older learn to play it in a more refined manner. thinking i might spend a few afternoons working on it to get it just right.

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What can I say; we think a like! Here's what I'm looking at and kind of work from as an idea I think what I'm doing is technically what you referred to. Came across this drum maker last night (specifically his Songa)

you gotta listen to this, it's awesome!! Beyond what I'm tinkering with now, but someday.... I think it would be AWESOME if someone else made a drum. Like you say kids will love'em and as they get older they may actually be good at it :)

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Well, the tongue drum idea was a bust. out of a 6 note scale, I only got 2 different notes (3 tongues were one note, and the other 3 were another). Gonna have to come back to that one later :angry: . Got a pretty box out of it though! Don't get it, each 'finger' was a different length but for some reason the tone didn't care! Looks like it's gonna be a xylophone project :blink: for the next gift idea....

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