Listening to WTO episodes for the 2nd...3rd... 4th time?

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So although my passion is woodworking, my day job is a plant operations manager at Procacci Brothers in Philadelphia ( like 6 blocks from all the major sporting venues). Living a litlle over 40 miles away and fighting through rush hour traffic on I-95 each and every day of the week means that I get pleanty of WTO time. I finished listening to every episode over a month ago but that hasn't stopped me from listening. I went back a listened to every episode again and it's amazing how much more useful knowledge that I was able to soak up. I am now on my third time going through the episodes (I'm actually working backwards in increments of 10, ie 89,79,69...) I love the show and was hoping that maybe we could get Shannon to do a directors cut on all of the episodes that he wasn't in! There are a lot of conversations on the earlier episodes that I find myself wondering what shannon's take would be.

Something else I've noticed as I listen to these episodes over and over again is that I find myself laughing more.

So how many times have you listened.....

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Captain: I can make it to work in 30 minutes with no traffic but with traffic it takes me about an hour and a half. D-town to Philly must be brutal... There no direct route!

Marc: only sometimes is listening to WTO a danger to my health and that's when I zone out listening and when I finally get to work I wonder how I made it there safely.

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I have every episode on the nano and when in the shop it just seems right. All the info is still revelant and the show is entertaining. Im bummed they cant pull one off every week- that would give me something to look forewad to instead of re-runs! Either way I think the mix of personalitys is spot on and I hope the show continues at whatever rate they can.

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Think about it Jimmy, mark matt and Shannon are all pretty young... The show should last another 30 to 40 years.... About the same time the 3 of them are sitting on the front porch drinking grape soda and yelling at the neighborhood children. We can only hope........

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I can see it now.Marc's rocker will be a green and green style, shannon's will be a Charles Brock inspired rocker with lumber courtesy of J.G McGilacutty, and Matt you will still be putting yours together.... Hahaha just kidding Matt.

Matt if hearing yourself in old episodes turns your brain to mush, may I suggest episode 19! If I'm not mistaken that's the episode with mark and Tom Iovino!

But seriously my favorite episode is where you guys talk about "legacy woodworking". That's without a doubt the best voicemail WTO has ever received! ( who was that caller??)

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