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I was sure I had my first blanket chest squared properly -- the diagonal measurements were exact -- but now -- ready to mount the lid -- I find it is badly out-of-square. One end is almost 3/4-inch out so the lid sits cockawhammy.

Is there a simple way to fix this, or do I have to try to disassemble it and start over?

The Rev

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Nothing quite so demoralizing as pulling something out of the clamps and finding it out of square.

How is the case put together? How is the lid put together?

How long would it take to make a new case? How hard would it be to make the lid match the out of square case?

How big is this chest? An error of 3/4" across a small jewelry box is obviously a catastrophe. But in a larger piece, it might not be the end of the world.

Square is a good thing, but having the lid and case perfectly fitted to eachother (whether or not perfectly square) is more important.

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Diagonals can lie if the item is in clamps. Clamp pressure can bow sides, or sides can be not flat from the start, creating a shape that is not square with identical diagonals. DAMHIKT

How hard would it be to take it apart?

Along with what Rob sez', how does it look? If it looks OK, maybe the lid can be made to fit.

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The chest is18 inches wide, 42 inches long, 21.5 inches high. It is built with tongue and groove and finished so it would be hard to take apart. It is cherry trimmed in purpleheart. The lid is cherry with purpleheart banding. I have not yet glued up the end pieces of the lid so I could make those two pieces wide enough to cover up the offset but one would have to be cut at a different angle. Another possibility might be to remake the lid completely, forget the lid trim, and cut it to fit. Would that work?

I appreciate the advice.

The Rev

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